Élevage de Nebojsa

Élevage de Nebojsa

Élevage de Berger Yougoslave à ParacinDrapeau de la Serbie

Un sarplaninac est un chien dominant et très intelligent. Il n'aboie jamais sans raison ! Il est extrêmement engagé envers les enfants et défendra son maître au coût de leur vie.

I am devoting all my most precious time and pleasure to this job. Feeding, giving drink, and training this breed of dogs can be attributed only to people of spartan lifestyle and strict discipline.

A Sarplaninac dog is fond of a selfcontent, serious and disciplined master. This breed is brave, tough and generous enough not to leave any room for doubt. As a strict and confident breeder, I have been striving to give this breed a spirit of toughness, selfconfidence and generosity.

During all these years I have been working on defining the character of Sarplaninac dog breed. I have been a dog breeder since 1990.


Élevage de Nebojsa
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